Former Special Forces operator Frank Martin lives a seemingly quiet life on the French Mediterranean, posing as a mercenary "tran...
Former Special Forces operator Frank Martin lives a seemingly quiet life on the French Mediterranean, posing as a mercenary "transporter" who hauls goods - human or not - from one place to another. No questions asked. Frank carries out mysterious and sometimes dangerous tasks in his engineered BMW, following strict rules that he never violates. Rule 1: Never change the deal. Rule two: No names - Frank doesn't want to know who he works for or what he transports. Rule 3: Never look inside the package. Frank's latest transport doesn't seem any different from the countless ones he's done in the past. He was hired by an American known only as "Wall Street" to make a delivery. But when Frank stops on the route, he notices his package moving. Breaking Rule Three, Frank looks into the bag and finds its contents as a beautiful, gagged woman. Frank's steadfast adherence to his other two rules - which make up his basic code of survival - likewise {fbt_gallery_post}
Jason Statham, Qi Shu, Matt Schulze, François
Berléand, Ric Young, Doug Rand, Didier Saint Melin, Tonio
Descanvelle, Laurent Desponds, Matthieu Albertini, Vincent
Nemeth, Jean-Yves Bilien, Jean-Marie Paris, Adrian
Dearnell, Alfred Lot, Audrey Hamm, Sebastien Migneau,
Laurent Jumeaucourt, Christian Gazio, Frédéric Vallet, Stefan
Gudju, Sandrine Rigaux, Cameron Watson {full_page}
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